1. Training AOEEC provide environmental training in following areas: 1) Integrating solid waste management 2) Waste characterization and identification 3) Health care waste management 4) Hazardous waste management including • Training on hazardous waste transportation guidelines. • Training on hazardous waste storage and permitting. • Training on Characteristics/Classification of HW. • Cost estimation for the different services to be offered within the hazardous waste management system 5) Chemical substances uses 6) Waste treatment technologies 7) Health and environmental risk assessment 8) Cost recovery 9) Master plan for integrated solid waste management 10) Landfill site selection, operation and closing. 11) Waste to energy 12) Environmental conventions 13) Feasibility studies 2. Institutional development AOEEC provide national, regional policies, strategies, master plans and programmes for solid waste including: 1) Environmental policies, strategies and action plans; 2) Assessment of waste management institutions anddevelopment of improvement plans; 3) Legal gap assessment and support with development ofconsistent and appropriate legislative and institutional framework for waste management; 4) Training, institutional strengthening and capacity building; 5) Stakeholder management and communication strategies.
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